How to use Pinterest Tribes to grow your Fine Art Wedding Business

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I’M JUST LOVING THE TRIBES!!! As a Pinterest wedding strategist I’m on Tailwind daily and one of the key strategies for growing my clients account is using Tailwind Tribes. Over time I have been testing which Tribe work best for my wedding clients. And I have selected my top 5!!

Why Tribes are key to grow your Pinterest. 

TRIBES WHAT? Let me tell you a bit more about Tailwind Tribes. They work the same as group boards on Pinterest. In both you share your best content and re-share other bridal vendors content that are part of the same niche as you are. The main difference is that tribes are easier to schedule within Tailwind. A Tribe is a group of wedding vendors who are in the same niche as you are. By sharing each others content you are getting introduced to their followers and grow your audience. Your pin is getting more re-pins and will show up higher in the Pinterest search results.
A Win Win situation right!!!

Which Pins are Tribe worthy?

Should I share my favourite bridal pins on Tribes? That is a question I get a lot from my clients. And my answer is NO. It’s not so much about what you like but what works best on Pinterest. What I suggest is that you head over to your Pin inspector on Tailwind and see which of your pins are performing best. The pins that have the most re-pins are the ones you should add to your Tribes. It’s all about analytics baby! 

Which Tribes are join worthy?

Finding a Tribes that has the same aesthetics and high quality content is hard to find. What I look for is how many members the Tribes has versus the activity. If they have a lot of Members but no activity then your pin will not be re-pinned that much. If they have a few members and high activity then your pin doesn’t has the potential to reach a lot of re-pins. Because there are only a few members who can re-share your pin. 

But which Tribes can you join and get the most re-pins?



  1. Wedding Photography Tribe

  2. Creative Wedding + Party Planning

  3. Fine art weddings

  4. Organic and Fine Art Weddings

  5. Modern Fine Art Wedding

    The last three are on request only. You can search for them in the Tailwind Tribe finder and send a request to join.

Want to join the Tribes? Below you can sign up for Tailwind and start sharing your beautiful content.

What are your favourite Tribes? Share them in the comments below.


5 Reasons Why Every Wedding Entrepreneur should be on Pinterest.